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Where is the LFS going?


It matters not what I think about a Local Fish Store (LFS), only what you think. The invitation of this blog is to explore your LFS and determine for yourself if it is worth supporting them while you allow them to support your hobby. Aquariums have been a part of my life from the beginning as have the LFS. There were no Big Box stores or online retailers in those days. The genetically engineered fish did not exist either. Selective breeding had only begun and for the most part fish were wild caught. Except for the mainstream fish like neon tetras and betta splendens. Tropical fish farms had been around for some 30ish years, and the hobby was just taking off.

While nostalgia does play a small part in my aquarium hobby today, I simply find solace in my fishy friends and in providing the best environment possible. Pets in general are more forgiving than our fellow man. They respond directly to our care and ask nothing more than the basics of life in return. Aquatic life has always provided the miracle of life to me. The wonders which water hold are vast and readily available to us all!

The LFS owner, from my experience, seem to know this is what they offer. Their goal is to offer us the magical world of aquatic diversity, while enjoying it themselves. As a byproduct they provide for their family. This is how life is meant to be. Giving with no expectations. Following our inner joy and by sharing it, it grows exponentially! While this may be idealism at its height, without it, life is not worth living in my view. Life is love and this love can be expressed in so many ways. The more you look for it, the more you will find. It really is everywhere, Love stares back at us all the time. Through our pets, our family, and through nature herself.

Going forward I will need your help in staying attuned to the LFS’s here in Colorado. Facebook is the main way I follow the stores here and around the country. If you know of a LFS which has a change coming or going, please let me know. I have covered all the stores here in the state and my mobility fades so please share with me your thoughts on where the industry is going. I need to know which stores to feature next? The comment section below is open! Thanks for reading.

Sequoia Elisabeth


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