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Tropical Treasures Open

Tropical Treasures was actually open this time, so I ventured inside. See my previous blog for more on that, link below. The tanks are really stacked in with narrow rows which make seeing the fish a challenge for my big ass. The store specializes in cichlids, though they do have a few of the more popular Tropicals. The store is much the same as when I first visited 4 years ago. A few minor changes are the saltwater area is more open now as is the checkout area. I think they took down a wall, but I don’t remember exactly. The Saltwater fish look good as well as the live rock, but with little to no corals. The tanks all looked healthy if not a bit overgrown with coralline. The pond by the front desk is a nice touch with goldfish and koi. I found a tank with the Macroalgae I was looking for and he told me it was just a display and would not sell me any. My search goes on. It seems macros are hard to come by in Colorado, even the common chaeto is hard to find.

If you live in or near Colorado Springs and you are into cichlids this LFS is worth the stop. The saltwater fish are nice but nothing special and two other C. Springs LFS’s have a better selection, blog coming soon. As a casual observation when I was leaving, the breeze filled my nose with the smell of weed; in fact, the whole block smelled. Not something I find pleasant. This LFS has been here a long time and I will not venture a guess as to why they remain. The location leaves much to be desired.

Sequoia Elisabeth

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