Neptune’s Tropical Fish, 1970 E County Line Rd Unit A, Highlands Ranch, CO 80126, remains a top tier LFS. They offer all that any aquarist would need. Not much has changed since my last visit. The store remains clean and well stocked. If you see a sticker on a tank that says not for sale, this just means the fish are new arrivals and are being quarantined. I for one, really appreciate this level of attention to quality. While I have not purchased from them recently, my experience with them is 4.5 stars. I was surprised to see how busy they were, with a line at the check out. See my pictures below. The store hours are 10-5 Monday thru Saturday and 12-5 on Sunday.
An observation which is troubling, I noticed a fish in a display tank up front with a fungal disease on its nose, probably columnaris and if so, this is a big red flag. Many a hobbyist, including myself, have lost entire tanks to that bad boy. The other interesting observation is the fish here are priced to sell and I mean compete with the box stores. Yes, the prices here are less than the big box stores for the most part. The way they do this from my estimation is the fish they offer are smaller/younger. Most of the fish I saw were juvies at best. No big deal unless you’re looking for adult fish. The juvenile fish have more life to live and also transport better than adult fish. The supplies can be a bit pricey though, so it just depends on what the item is. I was assured they are priced at the best possible price.
It matters not if you are looking for saltwater or freshwater livestock or even supplies, they have a great selection. If in doubt, call before coming. Another thing I will say, is if you are looking for corals there are better purely saltwater LFS’s in the area. The difficulty in any retail store is maintaining quality over the years and while Neptune’s continues to do this well, maybe they’ve slipped a notch.
Sequoia Elisabeth