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M.O. Review


My routine is to review certain LFS at certain times of year. The distant ones I visit in the summer and those are now posted to the blog. The local ones (Denver Metro) I visit twice a year in the spring and fall. Please look back through my blogs for the latest review on your favorite Local Fish Store. If you see an error or omission, please let me know by using the contact page.

With Murrman’s Reef, which was bought out by MC Aquatics permanently closed, Denver only has one saltwater only LFS, Elite Reef. The burbs, however, have some great Salt only LFS, though most LFS now days do both. Look over my list of every LFS in Colorado and you will see what each store offers and if you need addresses check out this list. Google Maps is your friend! It is my go-to resource, so this works too. Be aware though that several of the stores listed are Installation and Maintenance only or they work out of their homes by appointment only. I have not included those businesses in my list.

I encourage you to get out and visit other LFS so you can see what the industry has to offer. The big box stores are fine for certain things, however as you know, I prefer to support the family, single proprietor LFS. Thank you for visiting this website and if you would like to make suggestions or such, please use the contact page. May your Fishy Adventures be fruitful!

Sequoia Elisabeth


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