The one thing which impresses me most about Liquid Kingdom is their place in the community. The consistency and dedication to their customers who become friends, sums up retail as it should be. The store is nice enough with well-established tanks, beloved fish mascots, and hidden gems, though it is the customer support and personal care which makes this LFS so special.
The following photos tell a story of saltwater expertise and variety. You’ll notice they focus on the fish and not the corals, although they do them too. The inverts are in the tanks along with all you need to create the perfect saltwater aquarium. For anyone in the northwest Denver Metro who is into saltwater aquaria, Liquid Kingdom is a must visit.
The entrance to the store has the seasonal and newer setups. They offer some nice all-in-ones.
As you can see these tanks are well established and well maintained, with a natural look. I have seen no other Saltwater LFS like this one. Read over my previous blogs and you'll see.
We are now in the back room where they keep the good stuff. The central show tank really brings home the classic saltwater aquarium appeal.
The fish here have wonderlands to play in while they wait for new homes. These are mostly what are called bread and butter fish, popular fish in the aquarium trade. They have or can get most any saltwater fish you like, just ask.
Sequoia Elisabeth