The post Reefstock visit to Aqua Culture, 10336 Dransfeldt Rd UNIT 8, Parker, CO 80134, held some nice surprises. They once again did some remodeling in the front entry space by adding an actual check out desk, replacing the display tank with an SPS tank (in progress) along with a freshwater rack of tanks which I assume are not for sale. The store is a family oriented operation so I suspect it has something to do with the little ones. Tariq did get the big 1400g angel, butterfly and chromis tank going and looking pretty good. The place is still not a show place, but the livestock seems happy and so does the owner. See the photos below.
The wall of art on the left going into the back retail space adds a sense of comfort to the place. The art is from Smokey Hill Art Club where they did an exhibit. I love the vibes this place has, and I think this is part of the reason. The community connection here is real. The store was so busy on a Saturday, it was difficult to get photos without customers in the way.
The invert racks are looking better, though the livestock was low due to all the sales from the weekend before. All in all, the place is basically put together and the selection of coral is good plus the fish look happy. This LFS remains worthy of support! I can see the locals have already figured this out.
Sequoia Elisabeth